With the Jurien Bay Marine Park lapping the shores of the Turquoise Coast, there are a multitude of pristine snorkelling and diving options to explore.
With extensive limestone inner reef close to shore, clear shallow lagoons, major seagrass meadows, and plenty of 2WD options for easy access, you can snorkel straight off the beach or carpark to mingle with the marine life and explore the underwater world.
Land Access
Try the southern end of Hangover Bay (south of Cervantes) or Sandy Cape (just north of Jurien Bay). There are many areas where reef is close to shore between North Head and Sandy Cape (4wd only).
The Wanagarren Nature Reserve hugs the coastline between Grey and Wedge Island with access to plenty of shore-based sites for a snorkel or dive (high clearance 4wd only).
Dynamite Bay in the Green Head townsite is sheltered from most prevailing winds and deep blue holes at Point Louise are perfect and clear most days (2wd access).
Boat Access
All offshore rocks and islands within the Marine Park are nature reserves (pets not permitted). Day use access only, to the beaches of Favorite Island; Boullanger Island; Whitlock Island; Escape Island; North and South Cervantes Islands; North Green Island; South Green Island; and Wedge Island.
The inshore reef is a marine enthusiasts delight with caves, grottos and overhangs covered in multi-coloured sponges, anemones, and warm water fish species.
Enjoy your dive or snorkel but please care for the marine park and follow the rules and guidelines outlined in the marine park visitor guide available online, at the DBCA office in Jurien Bay, or from the Visitor Centre.
Snorkelling tours are available in Jurien Bay. Contact the Visitor Centre for details.