From mid-winter to early summer, the shire of Dandaragan offers a wildflower spectacle ranging from multi coloured Everlastings at Badgingarra to Black Kangaroo paws and delicate Orchids inland from the coast.
With 15 major National Parks, numerous nature reserves and drive trails within easy reach, we are spoilt for choice and wildflower diversity. There are recognised trails and walks but each season brings diversity and opportunities to explore outside of these recognised ‘hot spots’. For up to date and localised information call into the Visitor Centre and we can direct you to locations that might suit your needs.
Lesueur National Park
Lesueur National Park boasts an exceptionally diverse range of flora, with more than 900 species comprising over 10% of the State`s known flora. With an 18-kilometre sealed drive trail traversing the Park, 4 walk trails ranging from class one to class four, and trails ranging from a short 2.5-kilometre loop to a 26-kilometre overnight trail with camping facilities, there are viewing opportunities for all.
Within the Park, Lesueur Trail is suitable for prams and wheelchairs for the first 250 metres, however for those serious bushwalking enthusiasts, the Yonga Trail is a 26-kilometre loop with an overnight campground approximately half way on the loop.
Vern Westbrook Walk
The Vern Westbrook Walk trails are located on Phoebes Reserve – a short distance from Badgingarra along North-West Road. There are three dedicated walks covering different terrain.
Best viewed from late July to September (for the wildflowers) there are also historic WW2 slit trenches and heritage sites. The headwaters of the Hill River flow through the reserve with rustic bridge crossings enabling access. Keep an eye out for the stunning black kangaroo paws, delicate orchids, and everlastings.
Wildlife encounters can include echidnas, thorny devils, wedge-tailed eagles and Carnaby`s black cockatoos.
Badgingarra National Park
Iain Wilson Nature trail
Located within the 13,000-hectare Badgingarra National Park, this 2-kilometre return trail covering sandplain (Kwongan heath) and laterite breakaway features, are just some of the floras of the National Park. Rich in diversity, the walk trail passes banksia, eucalypt woodlands and Hakea forests with occasional carpets of flowering ground cover plants.
Access to the entry for the walk trail is directly opposite the Badgingarra Roadhouse.
Langs lookout
Located 18 kilometres north-east of Badgingarra on Watheroo West Road, this small and isolated patch of remnant vegetation has a diverse range of unique wildflower and orchid species.
The lookout site is small but well worth a visit for those wanting to tick off little known species from their viewing bucket list.
Named after an early pioneer of the region, George Eliot Lang, the lookout has views of the surrounding countryside. The viewing area is small, and access is not suitable for large caravans.
For information about wildflowers further afield, visit www.wildflowercountry.com.au. The Shire of Dandaragan is a member of Wildflower Country.
For wildflower tours, visit Hi Vallee Farm 36km north of Badgingarra, Western Flora Caravan Park near Eneabba or Westerns Wildflowers near Moora. Information on how to book these can be obtained by calling 9652 0870.